Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Long and Short of It

I guess it's time for an update. Due to popular demand and my son's insistence. Alex, who gets out a lot more than me, says The Public keeps asking him questions. For some reason he is unable to get away with the same smart-Alec (Smart-Alex?) replies I give (either that, or feels guilty when he does), and would like to know to truth of the situation so he can adjust his comments accordingly. I would have written last weekend, but I was still dazed and confused. I would have written first of the week, but I was stupefied. By mid-week: flabbergasted. Today I'm just plain out of excuses and elucidation.
First off, and right to the point, the news isn't good. I could sense that immediately when Dr. Walberg asked me if I was reading any long books. As fate/luck would have it, I'm right in the middle of the first book of the Stieg Larsson Millennium-trilogy. At least it isn't Tolstoy.
Chemo-Therapy has not only not shrunk the liver tumors, but they got bigger. Plus some new ones have set up camp. So instead the Weed-B-Gon of cancer, my doses were more like Miracle-Grow. I am not that good at reading scans like X-rays, and sono-grams and Magnetic Resonance Imaging. You could show me a black and white reproduction of an octopus and I'd think I saw vital human organs. But when the doctor showed me images side-by-side of pictures from May and then last week it was clear as The Visible Man model to me. Remember: I just needed to shrink the tumors small enough to swap livers. The Transplant was the whole reason for these 4-5 years of medical pandemonium.
So, off the transplant list, Chemo ineffective,what's a Poor Boy to do? That's what I spent the last week trying to figger.
I have few options remaining. One is a new Miracle Drug that costs roughly A $Billion Dollars, the other is a Clinical Trial to use some Not-Ready-For-Prime-Time therapy and another is start shopping for a nice looking urn. Actually my first move will be to secure a Second Opinion, probably from MD Anderson. I am still waiting for contact from the investigators on the Test Pilot Program. I also waiting to see how much my insurance will kick in for the meds.
In the meantime, if you'd like to help, you can get your very own commemorative green “Team Roy Gene” wristband at Maaco, Longhorn Tavern Steakhouse and the KORA studios 1240 Villa Maria. A $10 – 20 donation is suggested. And watch our website for other fun with fundraisers.
I'll letcha know any changes, updates and applications.
Thank you, God bless you and Happy Shark Week.