Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Trick Or Treat in the Modern Era

Went out with RG3 and assorted associated other varmints and parents to Trick or Treat Saturday Night. RG3's given name is Kelan. He was dressed as "Elmo" from Sesame Street. Therefore he became "Kelmo" to me. We tricked or treated in College Station near Grandbaby- Mama's house because (1) It was fertile ground last year and (2) the neighborhood had a Halloween Party nearby in a park where you could play kid-games and such. The problem was with the adults. Due to a lolly-gagging RG2 (my son) our quest didn't even begin until 7pm. The kids only did a couple streets worth and then we returned to find the Carnival In The Park was already over. So, for all that preparation we only got about an hour's worth of treat-time. We were also slowed down by RG3 being scairt at some houses and trying to invite himself into others.
Now, I don't want to go all Cranky Codger and start complaining about "thewaywediditbackinmyday", but I recall making a night of it. We'd go out, fill a bag, come back and dump it, then start again until we'd made several hauls and proceeded to Step 2: sorting. I can't recall any specific Halloween Parties I attended (that doesn't mean they didn't happen - maybe I wasn't invited) and the biggest danger I faced was leaving my booty (in the Pirate sense) unguarded while I went back out. When you have other brothers and sisters who might be pilfering your stash it can lead to accusations, incriminations and retributions.
The point is RG3 did not fetch ONE SINGLE PEANUT BUTTER CUP for all his efforts. Which he had promised to me. He actually had promised 4 pieces for me, but since he couldn't fill my request (no Kit Kats, either) , I absolved him of his obligations. Not counting the ones I stole when he wasn't looking.
The other point is even though I know now how bad all that sugar is for you (I got the teeth to prove it, or DON'T have the teeth) and I keep an active restriction on RG3 when he's with me on a "normal" weekend, Halloween is the one Holiday to go nuts and consume massive amounts of sugar unfettered and uncontested. It just seems to me kids should take more advantage of that.
Next year we start at NOON!

*A couple footnotes: In modern times a slow-roiling fear has set in among the parents of the Little Monsters regarding tainted or poison candy. Did you know there has never been a documented, certified instance of a stranger giving bad treats to a child? Not just here, but Nationwide.The Lone Instance of tampering with candy came from a Father poisoning his OWN son via Pixie Sticks. (Why did have to be in Texas?)
Not to say there ain't crazy, deviated sumbuckets out there. Just they are not in the quantities we're led to believe.

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