It's Thursday, and that means Shout Out Day! That's the time we set aside every week to acknowledge our listeners by name and mention special people and occasions. Usually, I have a hard time coming up with the unofficial minimum of two. Not that I don't run into R&R fans everywhere, just that I forget to write them down. If I do write them down, I forget where I put the paper. If I find the paper, I can't read my own handwriting or remember where I met those names. This week, I have the opposite problem: I have so many people to thank by name, rank and serial number, I couldn't possibly fit them into the allotted time and space.
Let me start with the staff of The Roberts Hospital at Baylor Medical Center. This bunch has gone way out of their way to make me as comfortable as possible. All shifts, all job-titles, all week. I don't believe I've run across a single surly soul and, on the contrary, have had a number of good conversations with staff about no med-related subjects.
Here on the home front, big props for Butch from Maaco - I don't know why they say he's had a bad heart. My son, Alex Gene (RG2),
Ingrid "Zingy" Hightower, Gail Spears, David Decker, James Haislett, Chip Howard, Frankie (my Grandbaby Mama) Chris Kiske, and Ben D. Downs (the only guy who ever fired me - twice - that I'm still on speaking terms).
In addition,those I haven't seen or heard from in quite a while, including Tom Fussell, John T "Dirty" Duncan, Susie Haddox Campbell, Charle Haldeman, Corbin Maclaine, John Thompson, Nurse Susie Kiernan, Frank Devich, Tom Bonelli, Chuck Paulinski, Audrey Shika, and Wayne "Sam" Longeno (in his own, strange way).
My family has been great, too. Thanks, Ma, for not crying. Big Bro Ed, Li'l Bro Bob,Ex-wife Polly, stepdaughter Charly and all my Little Rascals, blood-related or not. My niece Erin, Special kudos for RG3, my grandson, who always gives me a dose of what I need every time I see him.
I'm not forgetting all my Media Friends in Print, Radio and TV. Nor do I ignore the cards, emails, Facebook postings, Comments, Texts, Twitters and old-fashioned telephone calls I've received from friends I've met in person and on the air. Thanks to every last one of you for thinking of me.
Thank you Mr. and Mrs. America from border to border and coast to coast and all the ships at sea.
Finally Roger and Laurie Garrett who have been giving me an assist for a few years now. Special thanks to Roger, who has let me finish several sentences over the past couple weeks.
My apologies for any glaring omissions
.And now, Royce, who have YOU got to Shout Out?
Roy Gene