Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Wednesday Morning Workout

Special Correspondent Roy Gene Munse is on Chemo assignment at the Baylor Medical Center in Dallas in case the IRS asks.

Gosh, how time flies when you're flat on your back, as Ashley Dupre would say. Here it is Wednesday already and my sentence is just about halfway served. I'm to be released this weekend (Friday with good behavior). Even though my mobility is restricted, there are several things that remind me of home. Like the room temperature. Just like the KORA studios, it's either too hot or two cold. I was shivering in the middle of last night, when a floor nurse came in and raised the thermostat and loaded me with warm blankets. That was great for a half hour or so, now it's too dang hot! And can't move enough to shake 'em off.

This being Baylor, my electronic devices are limited. Even though there's a free WiFi signal, certain sites are restricted. I'm not even talking about THOSE kind of sites. I'm talking scholarly research. There are certain words that will trigger the Auto-Censor. Like "Chick", "Horn" and "Doodle". And the TV. Some channels are blocked entirely, others when a particular program is on a network. I haven't been able to see any "Dancing With The Stars"

Somehow Baseball must fall under those restrictions. I haven't been able to see a single Rangers game. They are on TV, aren't they? Of course, up here Astros are out of the question. Cubs,too. far as the portable Hard Drives I brought along, I haven't been able to make much progress there, either. And not just because I can barely get my face above the keyboard. But because of a little tiny USB memory stick containing vital documents that I can't seem to find. Neither can the nurses.

I'll just add it to my checklist for NEXT time. They assure me there will be a second round of this.

I guess none of my entertainment choices matter very much since I can only stay awake about two or three hours at a time. And when I sleep, my dreams are uncensored, unedited and unfettered.

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