Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Day One

OK, I got me a Chemo drip going direct to my liver. Besides not being able to sit upright, it's not too bad. Although it does make it difficult to use the word processor on the laptop.

Yesterday, as they were explaining to me what they had planned, I gotta admit, I was terrified. Stick a catheter into an artery in my leg, then snake it around until we hit liver. Then hang a bag of Chemo drip on by bed and drip for several days (see diagram above).
I said "I will me knocked out while this is taking place, right?"
I was to be under conscious sedation. Which means I would be aware of the people around me and able to respond to simple requests, but not able to carry on a conversation. You know, kinda like the Morning Show.

At least assistant who shaved me "down there" was a pretty girl although she opted not to go for the full Bikini Wax.

Speaking of pretty girls, the night-time RN for my floor, Caitin, is cute as well. We spent a big chunk of morning discussing our favorite books. We had a match in several subjects, categories and authors. We're gonna swap Favorite Lists tomorrow. You know I can be a little shy and introverted when it comes to talking with The Opposite Sex, but I think tomorrow night I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna work up the nerve to ask if she'll help with my bedpan.

Yesterday the guy who was drawing my labs (siphoning my blood) turned out to be a Native of Chicago where I was (before I emigrated). He grew up in the South Suburbs and met his future wife in Country Club Hills (where my mom lived before she emigrated).We talked a lot about Pizza, Taverns the appreciation of when you visit the birthplace.

It kinda bums me out that I can't sit upright (well,they won't LET me), that makes it hard to do some of the computer things I'd planned for this week. On the other hand, my abs are getting a good workout.

Next time I need to bring a stenographer to take dictation. Insert your own joke here.

If you are a member of Roy Gene's Secret Society and Inner Circle, you can get updates on my procedures via your Clandestine Code numbers (my mom's phone number) or by saying the password to my son, Alex (RG2 The word is "swordfish") Otherwise, watch this blog.

not resonsible for misspelling, improper word usage, bad punctuation or terrible syntax.. I been sick, y'know?

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