Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Roy Gene's Health-O-Meter

I've been trying to post an update to my medical shenanigans, but Facebook and Text messages only leave so many characters and I usually go over those allotted. Maybe it's time to RESURRECT the BLOG! I had been attempting daily updates about Roger & Roy and the morning show until about the time that the in-studio computer failed and is somewhere way down the list of important things to repair or replace.

First off, again, thank you so much to all the neighbors, framily, acquaintances and total strangers who have called or written in the last few day. Here is a synopsis of my situation to date.

A few years back I was recommended to Baylor Hospital in Dallas for transplant on a liver that was not responding to medication. There are certain criteria one must meet before getting on the list. The information collected in 3mo, 6mo and annual intervals make up a "MELD" score, Model for End-Stage Liver Disease. Scores range from 6-40. A score of six indicates the least ill patient and a score of forty indicates the sickest patient. I have been holding around 10-11 for three years.

In that three years I have experienced some episodes, mainly when I started leaking ammonia on the brain and went a little nutty (for those of you listening that morning-a LOT nutty). Anyways all the sudden on last weeks sonogram, they find a tumor. A big one. In fact, because of the size it has become and the speed it occurred , they pronounced it cancer. I went back this past Monday for full range of tests and pictures and secret ray gun analysis.

On Tuesday, they upped my tumor count as a twofer, with a chance that a third one was trying to move into the neighborhood. It was either that or some spice or condiment accidentally spilled onto the picture.

I met with a transplant Doctor and the Oncologist on Tuesday to plan a course of action. Originally the plan was to burn them babies off and put me at the front of the line for transplant. For one reason or another, they couldn't or didn't wanna do this and so alternate therapy was suggested.

Let me interject here to answer the same question I had: Why couldn't they just replace the cancerfied liver with the transplanted one? As long as the Big C was confined to the liver, wouldn't it make more sense to just cut it and flush it?

Turns out that when you have multiple tumors of the size and stature I'm growing, the RECURRENCE of Cancer IN ANOTHER PART OF THE ANATOMY is like 20% greater if you do a transplant. Therefore, they want to shrink the tumors at least just long enough to pronounce them "within limits" and then remove it and sell it on E-Bay.

This is the strategy. Next Monday 5/10/2010 I will go back to Baylor where they will poke a hole and insert a hose to mainline my liver with Chemotherapy for five days in a row. Then unplug and check me; rinse and repeat- if necessary. When they get 'em shrunk down to size I will be placed high atop the transplant list. Then I will be on standby (must arrive within 6 hours) for when one becomes available. Then I will live happily ever after. Unless another organ fails...

Anyway, I will be on the air as much as possible through this ordeal. I'm consulting with our KORA Krack Engineers to see if there is some way I might be be able to do the Morning Show from a remote hook-up in my Dallas hospital room. Maybe our Krack Sales Team will offer Sponsorship packages.

Anyhow, that's all I know for now. I will keep in touch. Watch this space for more information.

And, thanks again for your support, prayers and love
Roy Gene Munse
Legendary Local Broadcaster and Positive Role Model


  1. regarding your remote hook-up... i'm sure somebody's thought of this... but then again who knows?! Laptop with webcam and skype--- on your end... then a computer in the control room with the audio ouput (speaker jack) hooked into the board... and instant remote broadcast and very cheap.

  2. Godspeed to you Roy! You are in our prayers!

    Mike Watson

  3. Howdy Roy. Years ago I drove a limo here locally. You and Roger did a gig where you gave away a ride in the limo w/ y'all to a winner each week (after work) and would go to a local club. Anyway, I drove those trips most of the time and had lots of fun hanging with you guys. Good luck with this. I will be praying for you.

  4. Hi Uncle Roy!
    I hope everything goes okay for you. I got the info about your illness from Ed and then I researched and found this website.
    You are in our prayers out here in Arizona!
